Have you heard the song from Frozen yet. I know, I know. Before you start groaning, I'm not talking about that song. Sheesh don't freak out on me, let it go:) I'm talking about this one.
"We aren't saying you can change him
'Cause people don't really change
We're only saying that love's a force that's powerful and strange
People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed
But throw a little love their way, and you'll bring out their best
Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper
That's what it's all about
Father, Sister, Brother
We need each other
To raise us up and round us out
Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper
But when the push comes to shove
The only fixer upper
That can fix a fixer upper is
Now don't go dissecting my song choice here, I don't think love is enough when it comes to adoption. But I will say that my husband and I are in the midst of some struggles with one of our boys right now and I think he could use some extra love thrown his way (except what I really want to give is longer time outs, the cold shoulder, and some harsh lectures).
"People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed,
But throw a little love their way and you'll bring out their best."
It's like Karyn Purvys wrote those lyrics herself. Well, either her or Jesus. And I love how the song goes on to say that everyone is a fixer-upper. Preach! So so true. Last Tuesday night's discussion after the video was a testament to that. There were so many brave stories shared from foster/adoptive parents who are floundering as we try to re-parent the wrongs that have been done to our kids. And so many knowing nods from around the room. This stuff is no joke. I think we can all agree that nothing has humbled us or showcased our weaknesses as much as this foster/adopt adventure we're all on.
My name is Christina, I am a struggling adoptive momma and a fixer-upper just like you. Come join our fixer-upper support club on Tuesday nights. Four more weeks left and then it all culminates on Friday night, May 16th, with a dinner and conference.
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