Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Come meet the village people

SOOOO Classy!!! Am I right!?! :)

Lucky for you...or unlucky for you, depending on your obsession with the YMCA,  the village people you really get the chance to meet are other mommas on this foster/adopt road. 

And here are some upcoming opportunities:

And it is the last one before the break for the holidays. Yes, it was scheduled for last week but had to be rescheduled due to child care issues. So sorry about the confusion. As I understand it, child care for this specific week is already full. It will be upstairs in the FSK worship room, the same room as last month.

Make plans now. This conference. Is going. To be. So good. 

***Sorry, this is hot of the presses so no cute promo yet**

AND starting Jan 6th. Fellowship Bible Church, in the form of Daryll and Tracy Adcock, will be leading a Tuesday night class on techniques used in Trust-Based Relational Intervention, aka TBRI  parenting from Dr. Karyn Purvis' work.  Spots in the discussion-based class will be limited in order to promote intimacy.  On a personal note, my husband and I just finished the fall semester version of this class and for sure learned some new techniques to try, but it was the relationships and accountability (and ok yes the free child care) that kept us coming back week after week. I'll update with how to sign up when someone tells me first:)

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